Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The LA Kings could wrap it up tonight...does anyone really care?

OK, I'm Canadian, I play hockey, a passive Montreal Canadians fan, and haven't watched one game of this years Stanley Cup playoffs since the first round. Obviously I can't be Canadian, there must be something wrong with me.

Maybe it's the fact that one of the teams in the final is on the west coast - LA Kings, and the other plays the most bland brand of hockey since, well they have always been bland - NJ Devils.  Maybe it's because they are not Canadian teams, maybe it's just that people outside of Beverley Hills and Newark couldn't list more than 3 players on those teams. (although I really can, I am Canadian after all)

So, what's the issue?  Media not giving enough coverage? Nope TSN is doing their best to make it seem interesting. West coast games are on too late? Nah, that's not it.

I believe the reason fans are not really into this final (speaking for Canadian fans only here) is that we really don't care about these teams.  Yes, these are "hockey markets", yes, the greatest even played in L.A., but there is nothing like the Stanley Cup playoff with a Canadian team in the late stages. When Montreal is in the playoffs and make it through a couple of rounds, the perception of the playoffs is different. Even Vancouver being in it last year made it worth watching, although I'd argue that Boston is as much of a "Canadian" team as you could get without being in Canada.  Sorry Leafs fans, I can't really remember the last time your team was relevant in the playoffs, they just need to concentrate on making them, however if you ever did make it to the playoffs, I will watch, I promise.

So, as an open comment to Gary Bettman: stop trying to force NHL hockey on American fans, for the most part they are not interested (see Boston comment). Hockey is a Canadian passion and you need Canadian teams for fans to get passionate about it. Canada is why this league has grown to what it is today and it's what you need to move it forward.

By the way, has the game started? Oh, yeah, it has? meh, nevermind, I'll just catch the highlights in the morning.